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Archiving the Three Dimensional

Saint Stanislaus has a few wonderfully place display cases throughout the school, and they are utilized for alumni meetings,monthly history displays, and other school promotions. However,not every item can be placed in a display which means the other items must be stored until it is needed for research or display.

Thus my assignment for the day was to box up the glass and plastic cups and glasses that were from various fundraisers, proms, and anniversary celebrations. With the items being either a type of plastic or glass, it was decided that the items be boxed according to what material they were made. The plastic cups were properly cleaned and then store in an archival banker box, while the glasses (champagne, mugs, and prom-related) were each wrapped in archival foam, which was cut to wrap each piece individually. (This was due to not yet having the paper or bubble wrap that would have been used.)

This did prove to be a very careful process as some of the glassware was extremely fragile. Overall, it was worth the time to make sure each piece would be preserved and safely stored.

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